Honey butter

My granddaughter loves honey on her bread or toast and now she likes to ‘do it herself’ but the butter is making it’s way into the honey jar and for me this just won’t do!

So the quick fix is her ‘special’ honey butter. Easy

2:1 ratio of honey to softened butter (nuttelex or margarine if that’s what you use).

Mix  well.  I drizzle a little extra on top each time we use it so she can ‘see’ the honey. Store in a lidded container in the fridge.

This should last for a couple of months or the use by date on your butter, to be honest it’s so easy to make I just mix a half cup of butter and 1 cup of honey batch at a time and it lasts us a few weeks.

Of course if you like more honey add more honey to your mix.

If the butter is softened enough it’s easy to mix by hand in small amounts. If you’re doing a larger batch the mix master would blend it quite quickly.

Great for a quick butter before you pop on your sliced banana. Banana and honey is one of my favourites.


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