Spring is in the air.

Today is the 1st of September and a beautiful Spring morning here.

This week end just passed is the week end I  pulled my vegetable garden weeds out, anything that was dead or on it’s was was then cleaned out.  I topped up the soil, dug in my compost.

I planted my seedlings.  I do seedlings rather than seeds as I always seem to put them in at the wrong time and they don’t grow, so for me it’s easier this way. I’m growing capsicums, celery, shallots, cherry tomatoes and 3 tomato plants that recently popped up out of nowhere that I think are truss tomatoes.  I still have in pots oregano, mint, basil, rosemary and parsley.  My garden is not big but grows enough to sub in for my grocery store buy.  Tomatoes at Christmas are very expensive, people making lots of Christmas salads I guess.

It was all then topped up with sugar cane mulch to keep the moisture in ready for a hot summer.

The next few weeks will be cleaning out those weeds that seem to pop up in the rest of our garden beds, topping up with mulch and making it all look tidy again.

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