Salsa burrito bowl

I found myself with 2 leftover burrito wrappers from the packet opened for burritos for dinner the night before. We seem to have odd leftovers since there are no kids at home any more.

I made up a quick cold salsa for 2 people from whatever I found in my fridge this being …

1 roughly chopped large tomato, the seeds squeezed out half heartedly.

Shaved a fresh corn cob,

1/4 small onion, chopped.

Chopped red capsicum.

Continental cucumber, a few thick slices chopped.

Handful of fresh chopped parsley.

A few cubes of med/soft feta cheese, crumbled.

Toss it all together and pop in the fridge.

Pre heat the oven to 180*c.

I have a smallish pyrex glass dishes, I folded the burrito wrapper to sit in it (see pic below) and I baked in the oven for about 15 minutes or so until the top edges are brown. If you find they kinda pop out  just put another pyrex dish on top until baked to your liking.

When ready just fill with your salsa topping/salad and a dollop of greek yoghurt or sour cream. To eat just break the wrapper open from the edge and fill pieces with salsa and yoghurt to eat with your fingers.

I served mine with some lemon lime chicken skewers I found and defrosted from the freezer.

Of course fill the burrito wrapper with whatever salad you like, I’d pop in avocado if I’d had it at the time.




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