Did you know that a muffin recipe makes a great loaf recipe?
Next time you want to make your favourite muffins try baking the batter in a loaf tin. Of course adjust your baking time accordingly. Depending on your tin size start with 25 mins, test and go from there.
This is lovely sliced with butter, just like a banana bread.
You’d still be able to freeze either in the full or half loaf or in slices. Slices defrost quickly and you have your snack in 5-10 minutes.
Make muffins all the time & never thought to use the mix to make a loaf. Will have to have a go. Thanks for the idea.
You do have to keep an eye out for the baking times, take a look through any loaf recipes you have, check their cooking times and go from there.
This I think just gives you more options on those lovely single muffin recipes that we all collect. I’m all for options and more than one way to use things.
Kathy have you ever tried baking a muffin mix in a slice tray? LOL
A slice mix in a muffin tray or even a round cake tin? Mix and match I say!