Last nights dinner

Mmmm lasagne!  Last nights dinner was very nice.  Now that there are only 3 of us at home this lasagne mix makes up 1 meal for now and 1 meal for the freezer or for another night, easy.

Some other uses for bolognaise sauce.

If you prefer a runnier sauce add more tomatoes.

Make up this meat sauce, divide into 3 or 4 zip loc bags and freeze.  Spaghetti sauce for meals in a hurry.

I’ve added cooked diced potatoes, peas and carrots to this meat sauce to make meat pies.

Use the meat sauce for a great easy pizza topping, add mushrooms or feta, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Add cooked vegetables to make pasties.

Cook pasta elbows, spirals etc, mix with white sauce and sprinkle in herbs.  Spread this bolognaise/lasagne meat mix in the bottom of an oven proof dish.  Pour pasta white sauce over the meat mix.  Sprinkle lightly with grated cheese bake in a 190*C oven for 20-30 mins or until browned on top.  Serve.

Top with mashed potato, bake in a 190*C oven for 20-30 mins or until browned.  Serve with vegetables.

Add beans and make your own version of a quesadilla or burrito

Don’t you love something that is multi functional?

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