This technique is relatively new to me I like learning something new.
To use those old but not totally dried up felt pens as water colours. If you have felt pens that are newly missing lids and you don’t know what do to with them here is how you still get some use out of them. Me I just wanted some water colours that were ready to go when I needed them and were not expensive.
Counting up my water based felt pens and purchased that many cheap spray bottles (around 30ml in size).
In the bottles (pic below) I poured in 15ish millilitres of tap water using a medicine cup to measure.
I found my hubbys largish side cutters, that plastic is tough, and cut the ends off the plastic casings to take out the fibrous inners. The end of the inner is not necessarily the end of the plastic so you may have to snip down a bit.
With tweezers I pulled out the inner, held half in the bottle and cut the inner in half, so the 2 pieces then go in the bottle of water. Repeat with as many coloured felt pens as you have or need.
Spray to colour your paper or canvas or art base or screw off the top and dip a brush in to brush your water colour.
Of course if you have stamp pad re inkers you can do this technique as well.
Be aware that only water based felt pens can go in water. Permanent markers need white spirits to work though I don’t use the permanent markers for this.
Neon highlighter pens work as well, they have a different tube system so be careful when you cut into them.
I have not done YET, but you can try the foam pad in your ink cartridges from your printer in water and a bottle.
Of course you can change the colour intensity by diluting with more water, I’d say pour some out into a small dish if you wish to dilute. It’s easy to make colour lighter but you can’t make it dark again unless you have more felt pen inners.
I’m using them to spray or brush card backgrounds before stamping. Also for quick and easy petal colours on stamped images and so much more.
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