Are there friends or family you only catch up with once a year and it happens in December?
I have a couple of friends and an Aunty that I write copious amounts of words to but it only seems to happen when I write out their Christmas cards … the whole year condensed into 1 envelope and 1 postage stamp.
My mum usually talks to my Aunty so my Aunty probably knows stuff anyway but in some ways I find it cathartic to write it on paper and pass it along, as in this year is pretty much over.
My friends moved away, one I worked with before I was married and the other a school friend that moves back my way periodically depending on where work sends her.
As you know I like to make my cards and send them on, I just find there is something nice and personal in the written word.
Or do you just get together with various friends once a year for a face to face visit and it seems you have a different friend to meet every other day?
We are very bereft of friends at this time. They seem to have died, gone into care, or moved away. We often wonder how we can go about making new ones but all the effort required to start and maintain a relationship just seems too much. I love my online friends and try to keep in contact with lots of them.
Jennifer you’re saying what my inlaws are, all their friends have died or into care nursing homes, they are in their 80’s and in a retirement village where they have their own 2 bedroom house. Yes those online friends are good for a chat no matter how we are feeling … with the occasional card.