Herbed pull apart bread

I love herbed bread it makes a simple entree or one of those great dinner accompaniments and sometimes when dinner is a little lean it’s a tummy filler.  The herbs of course giving it a some flavour and a little difference to just plain bread.

Making up my usual bread recipe

After the first rise I make balls of dough, golf ball sized.

I dipped and covered in a bowl of olive oil then dipped into a bowl of mixed  herbs with a little garlic powder.

The oiled and herbed dough balls were then put side by side pushed against each other and into a baking tin of any shape just as long as it fits the balls with room for rising.

Rise again in a warm place for 40 mins and bake in a preheated 200*C oven, try 30 mins but it really depends on how big your tin is and how full you’ve made it.

Turn out onto a wire rack to cool.  They do taste fantastic warm.

Any leftover I pull apart and freeze they only take about 10 mins to defrost for a snack.

You can sprinkle the top with grated cheese.

You can flatten the balls of dough and in a loaf time stand them on end to bake like ready made pull apart slices.


Make a sweet version with melted butter and cinnamon sugar. (When making up the dough recipe divide in half and make one sweet loaf and one savoury loaf).

pull apart bread. herbed

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