The other week yet again I was waiting for paper towel to come on special at the shops. I seem to use a lot of paper towel mostly in my kitchen, mostly for wrapping my vegetables for storage in the fridge.
As conversations go I was chatting to a teacher at school in a lunch time serving lull, I honestly don’t know how we came to this conversation, she said her mum wraps her vegetables in cotton dishcloths she makes, I guess like an extra large mens handkerchief. This got me to thinking.
So it’s probably been out there for ages and I’m late to this show but I ended up buying 10 cheap tea towels (for drying the dishes I have no idea why we call them tea towels and not dish towels) gave them a wash, then a quick rinse in white vinegar and air dried on the clothes line. I stored these in a drawer for this use only.
Then as needed like the paper towel wrapped the cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce etc and popped into a plastic bag (bags will be washed a couple of times and recycled after use) or a lidded container to keep in the fridge.
As I looked at my handiwork I thought ok in that vege shop alone I have saved at least 9-12 squares of paper towel so by the end of the year extra $$ for me and less packets of paper towel bought.
I can also use one of the tea towels in the base of the vegetable crisper, maybe cut one in half, edge sew and use for smaller things like wrapping up one or two beetroots a few carrots or ….
…. as I said late to this show but I did get there eventually, anyone else do this?
1 comment
We now use old tea towels cut in half to wipe down kitchen benches & table as well as the BBQ. It is amazing how many paper towels you do use.